Just Two Weeks to Stop the Sickness
As every Minnesota Libertarian knows, our candidates have to collect an absurd number of signatures in order to appear on the ballot in November, and they only have 2 weeks in which to do it. Those 2 weeks start today!
How Can You Help?
As a Libertarian Party member, friend of the party, or someone who just wants to see more choice on the ballot, you can help!
Sign a petition
First, sign our petitions. We’ll be collecting signatures at several events around the state over the next couple of weeks. We’d love to see you!
If you can’t make it to an event, print out the petitions yourself (8.5″ x 14″ Legal sized paper required). After you’ve signed, get in touch with us via email to coordinate delivery of the petition form.
Collect signatures
Second, volunteer to collect signatures. Join us at any of the events linked above or simply ask your friends and neighbors to sign the petition you printed.
Whether or not you join us for a group event, your help gathering signatures is crucial to helping the Libertarian Party of Minnesota gain ballot access in November.
Don’t Have a Printer?
We know, in-home printers are becoming rarer and rarer these days. If you don’t have a printer, there are a few options:
- Print the petitions at an office supply store, a UPS store, or the public library.
- Contact us. We’ll either mail you petitions or arrange for a member drop them off at your house.
Can’t I Just E-Sign a Petition?
Unfortunately, the state requires the pen-and-ink signature, so you can’t e-sign or scan the petition and send it in digitally. Join the Party to help us fight this and even more important issues facing the people of Minnesota. Your membership dues help us run candidates for office, lobby the legislature for tangible change, and file lawsuits against the state to defend our rights and liberties in court.