Trenton “T.J.” Hawthorne – Nominee for State Representative, District 44B
“I don’t consider myself a Republican or Democrat, but we can’t let _____ win!”
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard this sentence, I wouldn’t have to try to get one of these government jobs!
My name is TJ Hawthorne, and I want to represent District 44B in the Great State of Minnesota. I am a third-generation NSP Polar and have been residing in Oakdale for the last 16 years until recently moving back to North St. Paul.
I am running for the Libertarian Party and have been a Libertarian for as long as I can remember. I have never believed anyone should have the right to tell anyone else how to live their life. As long as you’re not committing an act of violence or theft, I think you should be able to live FREE in America! I know that life and society are definitely a lot more complicated than that. I believe ‘we’ have been guilty of electing the lesser of two evils for too long. The two parties have gained complete control of the political spectrum, and WE ARE FED UP!
I was living a wonderful and fulfilled life with my two young boys and my lovely fiancé until it became apparent that the ‘democratic process’ is a complete SHAM! Politicians seem to live above any laws that the regular population has to follow, or else… Or else WHAT?!? The government creates arbitrary lines with laws that make things “Legal for a Price.” This keeps us separated and fighting with each other.
Our representatives should be ordinary citizens with ordinary problems.
Jeremy Peichel – Nominee for Senate, District 66
Rebecca Whiting – Nominee for School Board Bemidji Minnesota (ISD 31)
Travis Mitchell – Nominee for City Council, Maple Grove
Local Candidates
Nate “Honey Badger” Atkins – candidate for Mayor of Minneapolis
I’m running for mayor of Minneapolis because I’m sick and tired – because I’ve had enough.
This city is different. It’s not like other cities and that’s good. This city IS good – even if it’s lost its way.
As a Libertarian I’m not here to tear down all that is in this city in the name of creating some sort of Libertarian utopia. I believe Libertarian ideals related to police reform are good, realistic ones that help restore faith and trust between the people and law enforcement.
I’m not like other Libertarians. At the end of the day, in the words of the great Walter Williams, “I’m just me.”
Federal Candidates
Jo Jorgensen for President
Read more about Dr. Jo Jorgensen at
Spike Cohen for Vice President
Read more about Jeremy “Spike” Cohen at
State Candidates
Jill Galvan – Nominee for MN State House 18a (
A little about me – I’ve lived in Cosmos for the past 8 years, I’m a wife, a mom and stepmom to 6 girls and grandmother of two, soon to be three. My background is in retail and project management and I currently work in food production, which gives me more time to spend with family and working for the party. I live a normal life with the same kinds of issues that everyone deals with. I’m not looking to get into politics to make a name for myself. I’m not important in this process. I’m just a stand in for the will of the people in the legislature. I’m doing this to try make things better for everyone in the best way I know how…
which is by giving everyone the choice to live their lives as they see fit as long as they’re not hurting anyone else.
(unable to gain ballot access in 2020 due to unmet petition barrier of 500 signatures in this district over 14 days in May during the covid lockdown)
Travis Mitchell – Nominee for MN State House 34b (
(unable to gain ballot access in 2020 due to unmet petition barrier of 500 signatures in this district over 14 days in May during the covid lockdown)
Brian McCormick – Nominee for MN State House 37a
I am running for MN House of Representatives district 37A. What I lack in political experience I make up for with life experience. I have conquered vices, which were my choices, with education, assistance, and tolerance.
Prohibition is a failure and criminalizes free choice. Drugs may or may not ruin your life, but I guarantee the government will intentionally ruin your life if they catch you with them. They will handicap you from getting a job and forbid you from getting a gun. I want you employed. I want you to be able to hunt.
If you don’t hurt someone else, you should not be a felon. Non violent offenders fill our jails. I support a law system that protects you and your property from others, punishing only those who do outward harm, and not punishing morality.
I will also work to limit taxation and redistribution. You know how to be compassionate with your own money.
(unable to gain ballot access in 2020 due to unmet petition barrier of 500 signatures in this district over 14 days in May during the covid lockdown)
Matthew Swenson – Nominee for MN State House 57a (
When I discovered that my State Representative was originally listed as a co-author of gun ban bill HF 3022, I decided to run for office. Although gun rights are a vitally important foundation on which many other freedoms rest, this is not the only reason I’m running. It’s becoming ever apparent our freedoms are being challenged on a daily basis, and true tolerance is hard to find on the political landscape. Under the law, we must give everyone the freedom to act, speak, worship as they chose, regardless of our own moral convictions, as long as it doesn’t hinder another person’s freedom to do the same.
(unable to gain ballot access in 2020 due to unmet petition barrier of 500 signatures in this district over 14 days in May during the covid lockdown)
Local Candidates
Chris Klavetter – candidate for Mayor of Burnsville (
Cara Schulz – incumbent for Burnsville City Council
The best solutions for the challenges Burnsville faces can only come from Burnsville residents. Yet residents are often less involved and less aware of what happens in local government. Why? Information isn’t presented in ‘user-friendly’ ways and voters aren’t actively encouraged to participate.
My decision making approach is to be as careful with residents’ money as possible and look for ways to remove government interference and restrictions. If what you’re doing isn’t harming anyone else, we shouldn’t use taxpayer’s money to monitor, measure, or restrict your activity.
It’s very humbling to have people email you or reach out through Facebook and ask you to run. I’ve already had people asking to volunteer or wanting to know when I can give them a yard sign. I don’t take this for granted and I’m extremely touched.
Jason VanSickle – candidate for Mayor of Oronoco
I believe politics provides a path for education about social issues. A lot of social issues don’t get taken seriously because they aren’t supported by the two major political parties.