The Libertarian Party of Minnesota operates through the Divisions listed below. Please visit each Division page for more information about each Division, view the leadership roles and see how you can get involved!

Political Division

The Political Division is responsible for the political activities of the party. The primary purpose is to recruit and train Libertarian candidates to run for public office. The secondary purpose is to fuel legislative policy and advocacy initiatives of the LPMN.


Communications Division

The Communications Division is responsible for communicating the policies, positions, and opinions of the Libertarian Party of Minnesota to the overall public at large. This includes timely and accurate content on our website, establishing and maintaining our social media presence, managing relationships with traditional media and press, and communicating with our party members.


Outreach Division

The Outreach Division is responsible for the direct contact needed at the grassroots level between the Libertarian Party of Minnesota and the overall public at large. It is also meant to be utilized by the rest of state party as a tool for support, growth, and development. They should work on the development of affiliates, student organizations, and coalitions. They should also be organizing events and mobilizing volunteers.


IT Division

The IT Division is responsible for implementing all aspects of technology within the Libertarian Party of Minnesota.


Finance Division

The Finance Division is responsible for fundraising to generate the revenue required to operate the Libertarian Party of Minnesota. The primary means of accomplishing this are solicitation of contributions from membership in addition to befriending large donors for the same. A secondary means of fundraising is to include promotions, often called ‘issue campaigns’ or ‘money bombs’, as well as the procuring and ‘selling’ of merchandise at events.


General Volunteering

Sometimes things just come up and we need help with random activities. Please let us know if you’d be interested in helping in general.


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