Are social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter merely private companies? By Kahler Nygard

It's hard to ignore the debate raging across the country and on social media.  Online chatter has only gained steam as the President of the United States has been deplatformed and Ron Paul was purportedly banned by Facebook also, later deemed a “mistake”.  Many Libertarians believe Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon are privately-owned companies that can

LPMN EC Approves Resolution to stand with the individuals targeted for opening their businesses and homes.

WHEREAS Individuals have the ability to determine for themselves acceptable risk in choosing how to use their own properties or property to which they are welcome to visit WHEREAS The First Amendment protects free assembly among all consenting parties WHEREAS Governor Tim Walz' executive orders are unilateral, arbitrary, and a clear violation of The Constitution

Free Markets Increase Opportunities for the Poor

One area of society that the Libertarian Party, and libertarianism and free markets as a whole, has failed to reach is the poor. The issue lies in the promises of elected leaders to resolve poverty with programs and increased hourly wages without drawing attention to the fact that poverty in liberally run communities persists and

2018-05-31T12:52:29-05:00January 11th, 2018|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments