Our member pledge:
I pledge to oppose the initiation of force or fraud (coercion) as a means of achieving political or social goals.
The Libertarian Party takes a “live and let live” approach to your life and public policy. We believe that, at most, governments should exist only to defend and protect the rights and freedoms of individuals. Libertarianism can also be described as combining fiscal conservatism with classical liberalism; government should not spend more than it takes in, nor should the government be used against you or your neighbors to enforce any particular ideology or lifestyle. Libertarians have a well documented, and well thought out philosophy, and an unwavering set of principles; this means we’ll actually do what we say we’ll do, rather than offer only empty words and platitudes. Our solutions are guided on:
- A free-market economy and the abundance and prosperity it brings
- A dedication to personal freedom and natural rights
- A foreign policy of free trade, non-intervention, and peace
Become a dues-paying member of our organization today to help promote the spread of liberty in Minnesota!
For assistance with discontinuation of recurring payments, please visit our Refund and Returns Policy page or email finance@lpmn.org.