In advance of the March 7th – 9th 2025 LPMN Convention, the Platform and Bylaws Committee has prepared the following document for delegates to review, which includes proposed changes to the organization’s platform and bylaws that are to be voted on by the delegation at the convention.

This packet contains the planned proposals to be presented at the convention in the following format:

Rationale: This section describes the intention behind each proposal, helping delegates to understand both the What and the Why of each proposal.

Current Wording: This section shows the unaltered wording of the existing bylaws/platform section(s) that are affected by the proposal

Mark-up Copy: This section shows what will be added and what will be removed.

Wording if Adopted: This section shows the new wording, should the proposal be adopted without any amendments from the convention body.

All LPMN members are invited to review this document and send any questions or suggestions to

There is one final PBC meeting scheduled for the evening of February 19th. Any suggestions made before that date will be considered by the PBC when making final edits, while any suggestions made after that meeting may not be reflected in the final packet printed for the Convention.

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